Raiders of the Lost Library with English subtitles is a 2022 Russian action-adventure film directed by Gleb Orlov.
The film centers around Alexei, a cunning linguist, and historian, who stumbles upon an ancient map hidden within the pages of a rare manuscript in the state library. Teaming up with a skeptical but resourceful librarian, Marina, and a tech-savvy conspiracy theorist, Dmitri, the trio sets off on a daring quest across Europe.
Their mission is to uncover the lost artifacts of the legendary Librarians’ Guild, believed to protect powerful secrets dating back to the Renaissance. As they decode cryptic symbols and battle a ruthless collector who shadows their every move, they not only unearth treasures that challenge historical narratives but also discover the true value of knowledge and friendship.
Watch online Raiders of the Lost Library with English subtitles
Клуб самоубийц, или Приключения титулованной особы The Adventures of Prince Florizel
Mind blowing
Asian Movies
with subtitles
Please note: Soviet Movies Online and Asian Movies Online are different streaming services. Each of them has their own membership.
Туманность Андромеды The Andromeda Nebula
Волкодав из рода Серых Псов Wolfhound of the Grey Dog Clan
Легенда о Коловрате Furious
T-34 T-34
Raiders of the Lost Library (Либерея: Охотники за сокровищами) with English subtitles
On you can watch Raiders of the Lost Library (Либерея: Охотники за сокровищами) with English subtitles online. On our site contains the best Soviet & Russian Adventure in English. All Russian movies in English you can watch online on your mobiles (iOs or Android) and on tablets.
Please note: Soviet Movies Online, Eastern European Movies and Asian Movies Online are different streaming services. Each of them has their own membership.
About Russian Movies with Subtitles
For the last years we have been selecting the best Soviet and Russian films in order to make them available for our viewers. The subtitles are in English, Russian, French, Spanish, German, Turkish, Chinese, Arabic and other languages. Using Soviet and Russian Movies website will give you an opportunity to view the films online as well as download the Soviet and Russian films of different genres, encompassing the wide variety from the very popular pictures to the rare finds.
The joy of gaining knowledge about the world that surrounds us is hard to overestimate, and we are proud to present you with this opportunity to sit back, and enjoy by watching something new, fresh and different, and then make your own judgement.
Russian is one of the most complicated languages in the world. Are you bored with exercise books? Learn Russian with Russian movies and open a whole new world of interesting vocabulary! Top 10 Best Russian Movies to Learn the Russian Language.