100 Days Before the Command with English and German subtitles is a 1990 Soviet drama film directed by Hussein Erkenov, inspired by the eponymous novel written by Yuri Polyakov.
Visually astonishing, erotically charged and emotionally jarring. ‘100 Days Before the Command’ is Hussein Erkenov’s courageous and stinging indictment of communism. Five young Red Army recruits struggle for survival against the merciless violence that surrounds them on a daily basis. Their only means of saving their dignity is by preserving the humanity and compassion they share for each other.
Watch online 100 Days Before the Command with English and German subtitles
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100 Days Before the Command (Сто дней до приказа) with English subtitles
On SovietMoviesOnline.com you can watch 100 Days Before the Command (Сто дней до приказа) with English subtitles online. On our site contains the best Soviet & Russian Drama in English. All Russian movies in English you can watch online on your mobiles (iOs or Android) and on tablets.
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