Only Old Men Are Going to Battle with English, Romanian and Russian subtitles is an iconic 1973 Soviet war drama film produced in the Ukrainian SSR about World War II fighter pilots, written and directed by Leonid Bykov, who also played the lead role as the squadron commander.
Bogdan Titarenko is very talented pilot and brave leader of “Singing group”. He also must look after some new cadets and fight together with them against German Luftwaffe planes. Close to Bogdan always are his friends, they are all from different parts of the country, but they all became real brothers.
Watch online Only Old Men Are Going to Battle with English, Romanian and Russian subtitles
Освобождение. Фильм четвёртый. Битва за Берлин Liberation. Film IV: The Battle of Berlin
Падение Берлина The Fall of Berlin
Люди и звери Men and Beasts
Конец Санкт-Петербурга The End of St. Petersburg
Mind blowing
Asian Movies
with subtitles
Please note: Soviet Movies Online and Asian Movies Online are different streaming services. Each of them has their own membership.
Телохранитель The Bodyguard
Мимино Mimino
Баллада о бомбере The Bomber
Иди и смотри Come and See
Only Old Men Are Going to Battle (В бой идут одни старики) with English subtitles
On you can watch Only Old Men Are Going to Battle (В бой идут одни старики) with English subtitles online. On our site contains the best Soviet & Russian Comedy in English. All Russian movies in English you can watch online on your mobiles (iOs or Android) and on tablets.
Russian is a very complicated language, especially if your native one isn't close to it. Learning the Russian language with movies like Only Old Men Are Going to Battle is a very useful strategy, which offers many advantage.
Please note: Soviet Movies Online, Eastern European Movies and Asian Movies Online are different streaming services. Each of them has their own membership.
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For the last years we have been selecting the best Soviet and Russian films in order to make them available for our viewers. The subtitles are in English, Russian, French, Spanish, German, Turkish, Chinese, Arabic and other languages. Using Soviet and Russian Movies website will give you an opportunity to view the films online as well as download the Soviet and Russian films of different genres, encompassing the wide variety from the very popular pictures to the rare finds.
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